21 de agosto de 2019

Fondants de Chocolate com Creme de Speculoos

 (versão simples)

(8 doses)

300g de chocolate para culinária;
150g de margarina;
4 ovos (inteiros);
2 gemas;
150g de açúcar amarelo;
60g de farinha de trigo (com fermento);
8 c. (de café/chá) de creme de speculoos (ou manteiga de amendoim, na receita original).


Partir o chocolate para uma panela e levar a derreter em lume brando juntamente com a margarina em pedaços; reservar.
Numa tigela, bater os ovos inteiros e as gemas com o açúcar.
Juntar o chocolate derretido, mexendo bem.
Incorporar a farinha peneirada e voltar a misturar bem.
Untar oito ramequins (ou formas para queques) com margarina e polvilhar com farinha.
Verter a mistura de chocolate até meio dos recipientes e colocar uma colher de creme de speculoos no centro de cada um, cobrindo com o restante creme de chocolate.
Levar ao forno pré-aquecido a 200ºC por 15 minutos.
Retirar os fondants e deixar arrefecer um pouco antes de servir, simples ou com uma bola de gelado de baunilha.

(versão com gelado)

Nota: receita adaptada da revista Continente Magazine Edição Especial As Melhores 100 Receitas n.º 100, Jan 2019.

1 comentário:



The Portuguese had a brutal record in the Americas as a colonial power. The most horrendous abuses occurred in the colony of Brazil: natives were enslaved, murdered, tortured and raped in the conquest and early part of the colonial period and later they were disenfranchised and excluded from power. Individual acts of cruelty are too numerous and dreadful to list here. Portuguese Conquistadors in Brazil reached levels of cruelty that are nearly inconceivable to modern sentiments.

Today, Portugal is the Biggest Racist country that i have ever lived in. I feared for my life there and i consider myself lucky that my family got out alive! I have never lived in such poverty (Sopas dos Pobres everyday) 40% unemployment rate and 60% of the population earn less than $932 USD per month, and that’s considered Middle Class here! Within the European Union it is the worst of the worst place to live in.

The bottom line is the bulk of the People in the poor country of Portugal exist in a brainless comma that is fed by Ignorance, anti-Spanish hate, and severe Racism of pretty much everybody that isn’t Portuguese! And, Portugal started the Global Slave Trade in 1441 so it is definitely NOT a safe place for Blacks!!

I found important websites that explain the Severe multi-generational Racism and Hate that exist in Portugal today, and i highly encourage all to read them and spread the word in order to avoid innocent, and desperate people from living or visiting there. Get educated on the Truths about Racist Portugal now.

1) https://www.theroot.com/a-white-journalist-discovers-the-lie-of-portugal-s-colo-1790854283

2) https://saynotoracistportugal.neocities.org/

3) http://www.discoveringbristol.org.uk/slavery/routes/places-involved/europe/portugal/



5) http://www.ipsnews.net/2011/10/portugal-crisis-pushes-women-into-prostitution/

6) https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/06/the-mystery-of-why-portugal-is-so-doomed/276371/

7) https://portugaltruths.neocities.org/

8) https://portugalwasabadcolonizer.neocities.org/

9) https://portugalisxenophobic.neocities.org/

10) https://portugalisaracistcountry.neocities.org/

Be SAFE friends. Hugs.

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